You now have SQL Server running locally in Docker! Check out the next section to continue installing prerequisites. Make sure to use a strong password with special characters. Next, start a new Terminal prompt and use the following commands to download and start the SQL Server on Linux Docker image.You can do this in the Preferences - Advanced option on the menu bar. Configure at least 4GB of memory for your Docker environment, also consider adding multiple cores if you want to evaluate performance.For this, you need to install Docker for Mac. In order to run SQL Server on your Mac, we are going to use the SQL Server on Linux Docker Image.After that you will install the necessary dependencies to create PHP apps with SQL Server Step 1.1 Install SQL Server In this section, you will get SQL Server 2017 running on Docker. They are designed to give developers an easy way to serve up PHP pages using Apache and MySQL right on their Mac. MAMP and XAMPP are complete web development packages. MySQL 5.1 for Mac OS X - for MacOS 10.4-10.6, Intel only, recommended Version MySQL 5.5 for Mac OS X - for MacOS 10.4-10.6, Intel only. It integrated with python MySQLdb and I also got Sequel Pro to connect to the database. I installed MySQL on my Mac OS 10.6 about a week ago, and, after some playing around, got it to work just fine.